Short Radical Books to Fan the Flames of Discontent
Acts Against the Criminalization of Solidarity
January 2025
Entangling Art, Activism & Autonomous Zones
October 2021
Published in collaboration with the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest
007 – PIRATE CARE: Acts Against the Criminalization of Solidarity by Valeria Graziano, Marcell Mars & Tomislav Medak – 2025
006 – TO SEE IN THE DARK: Palestine and Visual Activism Since October 7 by Nicholas Mirzoeff – 2025
005 – ON CUDDLING: Loved to Death in the Racial Embrace by Phanuel Antwi – 2023
004 – PALM OIL: The Grease of Empire by Max Haiven – 2022
003 – WE ARE ‘NATURE’ DEFENDING ITSELF: Entangling Art, Activism and Autonomous Zones by Isabelle Fremeaux and Jay Jordan – 2021
002 – THE HOLOGRAM: Feminist, Peer-to-Peer Health for a Post-Pandemic Future by Cassie Thornton – 2020
001 – PANDEMONIUM: Proliferating Borders of Capital and the Pandemic Swerve by Angela Mitropoulos – 2020
Coming in November 2023...


Short Radical Books to Fan the Flames of Discontent
A collaboration between Pluto Press and The ReImagining Value Action Lab,VAGABONDS strives to publish an eclectic mix of long revolutionary essays and experimental works at the intersection of radical action, interventionist art, and critical inquiry.
Radical ~ Rigorous ~ Resonant
Anti-colonial, queer, feminist, and militating for collective action and radical joy (including the joy of reading), VAGABONDS aims to publish some of the best and most important writing for the struggles of tomorrow in short, accessible, and passionate form. They are peer-reviewed using a generative and open model.
mhaiven at lakeheadu dot ca
For information on the series and how pitch a title, please click here.

Series Editor

Max Haiven
Max Haiven is a writer and teacher and Canada Research Chair in the Radical Imagination. His recent books include Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts (2020) and Art after Money, Money after Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization (2018). Haiven is editor of VAGABONDS. He teaches at Lakehead University, where he directs the ReImagining Value Action Lab (RiVAL). As part of Sense & Solidarity, he offers strategy and communications workshops for social movements.
Editorial Advisory Board
Phanuel Antwi, Isa Fremeaux, Stefano Harney, Marc Herbst, Brian Holmes, Jay Jordan, Eunsong Kim, Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, Alana Lentin, Eli Meyerhoff, Dylan AT Miner, Nick Mirzoeff, Massimiliano Mao Mollona, Jerome Roos, Ezra Winton.

Pluto Press
Pluto Press is a anti-capitalist, internationalist and politically independent radical political publishing house with offices in London and New York. It was founded in 1969 and focuses on making timely interventions in contemporary struggles.

The ReImagining Value Action Lab (RiVAL) is a workshop for the radical imagination, social justice, and decolonization based in Anishinaabe territories on the Northern shore of Gitchiigumi (Thunder Bay, Canada) and active online and around the world. It is directed by Max Haiven.


Phanuel Antwi
Author of On Cuddling: Loved to Death in the Racial Embrace
Phanuel Antwi is Canada Research Chair in Black Arts and Epistemologies. He is an artist, teacher and organiser concerned with race, poetics, movements, intimacy and struggle. He works with text, dance, film and photography to intervene in artistic, academic and public spaces. He is a curator, activist and associate professor at the University of British Columbia.

Valeria Graziano
Co-author of Pirate Care: Acts Against the Criminalization of Solidarity
Valeria Graziano is a cultural theorist and organizer. Along with Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak she is the convenor of the Pirate Care Syllabus project. She has contributed to a number of collectives, including Precarious Workers Brigade, the Radical Education Forum, Boycott Workfare and the Women Strike UK. She is the co-author of Rebelling with Care: Exploring Open Technologies for Commoning Healthcare and she lives in Rijeka, Croatia.

Tomislav Medak
Co-author of Pirate Care: Acts Against the Criminalization of Solidarity
Tomislav Medak is a commons and disability activist and an independent researcher with a focus on technology, environmental crisis and degrowth transition. He’s a member of the green-left party Možemo! (HR). With Marcell Mars and a community of friends in Zagreb he founded Multimedia Institute/MAMA, since 2000 a hub for cultural and political organizing. Together they have co-edited Public Library and Guerrilla Open Access. He lives in Zagreb. Croatia.

Max Haiven
Author of Palm Oil: The Grease of Empire and editor of VAGABONDS.
Max Haiven is a writer and teacher and Canada Research Chair in the Radical Imagination. His recent books include Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts (2020) and Art after Money, Money after Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization (2018). Haiven is editor of VAGABONDS. He teaches at Lakehead University, where he directs the ReImagining Value Action Lab (RiVAL). As part of Sense & Solidarity, he offers strategy and communications workshops for social movements.

Nicholas Mirzoeff
Author of To See In the Dark: Palestine and Visual Activism Since October 7
Nicholas Mirzoeff is Professor and chair of the Department of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. His other books include How to See the World (2015), The Right to Look (2011), White Sight: Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness (2023) and An Introduction to Visual Culture (1999, 2009, 2023). A frequent blogger and writer, his work has appeared in The Nation, Hyperallergic, Frieze, the New York Times, andthe Guardian.

Marcell Mars
Co-author of Pirate Care: Acts Against the Criminalization of Solidarity
Marcell Mars is an advanced internet user. With Tomislav Medak he founded a shadow library Memory of the World, He develops and maintains software infrastructure to support custodians of (universal access to) knowledge. His research Ruling Class Studies, started at the Jan van Eyck Academy, examines state-of-the-art digital innovation, adaptation, and intelligence created by corporations such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and eBay. Marcell lives in Rijeka, Croatia.

Angela Mitropoulos
Author of Pandemonium: Proliferating Borders of Capital and the Pandemic Swerve
Angela Mitropoulos is a theorist and academic based in Sydney, Australia. Among other writings which track shifting boundaries and movements in the history of philosophy, science, aesthetics, politics and economics, she is the author of Contract and Contagion: From Biopolitics to Oikonomia (2012).

Jay Jordan & Isa Fremeax
Authors of We Are 'Nature' Defending Itself: Entangling Art, Activism and Autonomous Zones
Isabelle Fremeaux is an educator and action researcher. She was formerly Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies at Birkbeck College London.Jay Jordan is an art activist and author, co-founder of Reclaim the Streets and The Clandestine Insurgent Clown Army. Together they co-facilitate the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination.

Cassie Thornton
Author of The Hologram: Peer-to-Peer Health for a Post-Pandemic Future
Cassie Thornton is an artist, writer and organizer who makes a “safe space” for the unknown, for disobedience, and for unanticipated collectivity. In her recent work she explores the struggle of reorganizing and using privilege in the apocalypse. Cassie has invented a grassroots alternative credit reporting service for the survivors of gentrification, has hypnotized hedge fund managers, has finger-painted with the grime found inside banks, has donated cursed paintings to profiteering bankers, and has taught feminist economics to yogis (and vice versa). She is currently a co-organizer of a bar that is an undercover clinic in Berlin.
Illustrator and Publicist

Amanda is a printmaker, anarchist and abolitionist. Originally from Edmonton, Canada, she is currently pursuing an MA in Spatial Strategies in Berlin, Germany. She is a collective member of Abolition: A Journal of Insurgent Politics and her work can be found in radical journals, books, magazines, and hopefully on the streets near you.

Stella the Good (Enough) Witch was born on Halloween and raised by pagan weirdos. When they aren’t providing spiritual counsel, they spend most of their time cooking cauldrons of food, organizing for social and environmental justice, travelling, tending to communities and collaging cosmic credit cards (because we owe each other the world). They love helping artists, activists and healers pre-vent and recover from burnout though the impossibility of that in late stage capitalism is part of that work too. They live by farmer poet Wendell Berry’s words “Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.”